Call Detail Records Dashboards

CDR Dashboards allow for simple and efficient decision making

Analyze Communication Channels


View a Detailed Breakdown of Communication Channels. Including Queues, Incoming and Outgoing Percentages, as well as Answered and Unanswered Calls.

Click to Enlarge

Filter Activities by Department


Easily sort and filter average hold times, max hold times, queue call average durations, and queue call max durations.

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge

Sort Dispositions by Department


Sort Dispositions by Department


Filter per department as well as per answered or unanswered call. Or any other type of call disposition.


Keep track of customer service metrics such as number of calls per month, number of hours on hold, or percentage of abandoned calls.


Visualize what channel customers use most.

Total Call Traffic

Optimize Call Traffic: Visualize Queue, Outgoing, and Incoming Calls with CDR Dashboards

Total Call Traffic

Optimize Call Traffic: Visualize Queue, Outgoing, and Incoming Calls with CDR Dashboards

Request a Demo

To learn more request a demo at 1-844-355-9893 or submit details below.