VoIP Call Metrics

Measure Performance and Productivity with VoIP Call Metrics and KPIs

Discover the key metrics that drive success and learn how to implement them within our cutting-edge contact

center platform.


Access VoIP call performance and metrics.


Effortlessly generate and distribute personalized report templates with our intuitive point-and-click interface.


Equip your analysts with secure data access and powerful reporting tools, empowering them to uncover valuable insights and drive informed decision-making.

Measure Performance and Productivity with VoIP Call Metrics and KPIs

Discover the key metrics that drive success and learn how to implement them within our cutting-edge contact center platform.


Access VoIP call performance and metrics.


Effortlessly generate and distribute personalized report templates with our intuitive point-and-click interface.


Equip your analysts with secure data access and powerful reporting tools, empowering them to uncover valuable insights and drive informed decision-making.

Top VoIP Call Metrics

1. Total Call Count

Track the overall number of calls handled by your contact center, providing a snapshot of call volume and workload.

2. Outgoing Call Duration

Analyze the average duration of outgoing calls to evaluate agent performance, optimize call scripts, and ensure effective communication with customers.

3. Average Hold Time

Measure the average time callers spend on hold, allowing you to optimize call routing, reduce wait times, and enhance customer satisfaction.

4. Incoming Call Duration

Measure the average duration of incoming calls, giving insights into customer interactions and helping assess efficiency and service quality.

5. Queue Call Count

Monitor the number of calls in the queue, helping you assess call center capacity, staffing needs, and customer waiting times.

6. Max Hold Time

Identify the longest duration a caller has been on hold, enabling you to address bottlenecks, improve call handling, and minimize customer frustration.

7. Outgoing Call Count

Keep tabs on the number of outgoing calls made by your agents, enabling you to monitor outreach efforts and gauge productivity.

8. Queue Call Count Percentage

Calculate the percentage of calls that enter the queue, giving you a sense of call center traffic and the demand for assistance.

9. Queue Call Duration

Evaluate the average duration of calls in the queue, helping you optimize agent resources, streamline workflows, and enhance customer experience.

1. Total Call Count

Track the overall number of calls handled by your contact center, providing a snapshot of call volume and workload.

4. Outgoing Call Duration

Analyze the average duration of outgoing calls to evaluate agent performance, optimize call scripts, and ensure effective communication with customers.

7. Average Hold Time

Measure the average time callers spend on hold, allowing you to optimize call routing, reduce wait times, and enhance customer satisfaction.

2. Incoming Call Duration

Measure the average duration of incoming calls, giving insights into customer interactions and helping assess efficiency and service quality.

5. Queue Call Count

Monitor the number of calls in the queue, helping you assess call center capacity, staffing needs, and customer waiting times.

8. Max Hold Time

Identify the longest duration a caller has been on hold, enabling you to address bottlenecks, improve call handling, and minimize customer frustration.

3. Outgoing Call Count

Keep tabs on the number of outgoing calls made by your agents, enabling you to monitor outreach efforts and gauge productivity.

6. Queue Call Count Percentage

Calculate the percentage of calls that enter the queue, giving you a sense of call center traffic and the demand for assistance.

9. Queue Call Duration

Evaluate the average duration of calls in the queue, helping you optimize agent resources, streamline workflows, and enhance customer experience.

Top VoIP Call KPIs

1. Average Call Abandonment Rate

Discover the percentage of callers who disconnect before reaching an agent, which is a common occurence in call centers.

2. Percentage of Calls Blocked

Measure the number of incoming callers who receive a busy tone. This can result from factors such as insufficient available agents or unprepared call center software.

3. Average Time in Queue

Determine the duration that callers spend waiting in call queues. This value is divided by the total number of answered calls.

4. Service Level

Assess agent productivity in real-time by monitoring the percentage of calls answered within a specified time frame.

5. Average Speed of Answer

Calculate the average time it takes for agents to respond to calls within a specific timeframe.

6. Average Handle Time

Track the average duration, from the moment an agent picks up the phone until the call is disconnected.

7. First Call Resolutions

Monitor the percentage of calls in which agents can address callers’ issues without transferring, escalating, or requiring further contact.

1. Average Call Abandonment Rate

Discover the percentage of callers who disconnect before reaching an agent, which is a common occurence in call centers.

4. Percentage of Calls Blocked

Measure the number of incoming callers who receive a busy tone. This can result from factors such as insufficient available agents or unprepared call center software.

2. Service Level

Assess agent productivity in real-time by monitoring the percentage of calls answered within a specified time frame.

5. Average Speed of Answer

Calculate the average time it takes for agents to respond to calls within a specific timeframe.

7. Average Handle Time

Track the average duration, from the moment an agent picks up the phone until the call is disconnected.

3. Average After Call Work Time

Measure the average time agents spend on post-call tasks associated with a call, after its completion.

6. First Call Resolutions

Monitor the percentage of calls in which agents can address callers’ issues without transferring, escalating, or requiring further contact.

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To learn more request a demo at 1-844-355-9893 or submit details below.